SHAKE THE SCENE | Events - coaching - training




Faced with uncertainty and transformation, how to avoid the temptation to retreat and stand still?

Your challenge: 

create psychological security AND challenge the status quo. 

Develop your ability to convey your vision and offer the right level of letting go and support.

Adjust your posture and strengthen your managerial coaching skills!

You'll embody leadership that dares, makes teams grow and generates collective intelligence.

two happy women
group working together


An experimentation-based, learner-centered approach helps to anchor new practices and winning postures in the long term.

We create tailor-made training courses based on your challenges and your leadership models, offering the best learning opportunities on key themes:

  • Winning communication: the fundamentals
  • Self-awareness & leadership
  • Relational agility & assertiveness
  • Influence & persuasion
  • Storytelling & pitching
  • Oral impact & creativity
  • Ikigaï & trajectory
  • Trust & collaboration
  • Motivation & commitment
  • The leader-coach
  • Constructive feedback
  • Supporting change
  • Stress management
  • Collective intelligence
  • Team building & inclusion


"Uncertainty is the worst of all torments." (Alexandre Dumas)

Defined as "the state or condition in which something is not known with precision", uncertainty is part of our lives. Yet its harmful effects on the human psyche were demonstrated in a 2020 study*. Uncertainty :

  • activates the action inhibition system to conserve resources and energy.
  •  affects executive functions and high-level cognitive processes,
  • increases anxiety and decreases optimism. 

The greater the uncertainty, the more difficult it will be for each individual to self-regulate. Creating psychological safety means enabling everyone to feel better armed in the face of uncertainty: understood, heard, respected, supported and reassured.

In this context, 4 levers can be activated at the individual level:

  • invest in your positive psychological capital,
  • focus your attention on the present moment,
  • communicating and sharing ideas,
  • adopt a growth and learning mindset.


*Alquist,J.L.,Baumeister,R.F.,Tice,D.M.&Core,T.J.(2020). Uncertainty impairs executive function. Frontiers in Psychology


  • 27% reduction in turnover
  • 76% more engagement
  • 50% more productivity
  • 74% less stress
  • 57% more collaboration
  • 67% more apprenticeships
59 %

of millennials who say they can talk to their manager about "non-work issues" are engaged at work (Gallup).

Engagement drops to 2% in teams led by managers who ignore their employees, versus 61% in teams led by managers who focus on their strengths (Gallup).

To ensure psychological safety, managers must be trained in : 

  • Group dynamics
  • Creating an open dialogue
  • Self-awareness
  • Cultural awareness
  • Relationship building
  • Active listening
  • Situational awareness
  • Cognitive biases
  • Situational humility
  • Sponsorship

(McKinsey, 2021)

Marianne Soumoy, events, coaching, training


"Of all the schools of patience and lucidity, creation is the most effective." (Albert Camus)

Artists are all too familiar with the encounter with the blank page and the acceptance of a creative process that is neither linear nor predictable. To create is to seek, to grope, to advance, to return, to give birth to the obvious, and then to construct its realization.

Facing a new paradox or challenge?

Accept to enter into a creative process.

Search through with no clear plan, give yourself permission to imagine, to make mistakes, to try again.

  Think "out of the box" and push the limits! 

Site design and referencing by Simplébo


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